Getting Started as a Team Leader in Staffly

Getting Started as a Team Leader in Staffly

Getting Started as a Team Leader in Staffly

Getting Started #

Welcome to Staffly! We’re here to help you educate, automate, and collaborate with your team from start to finish.

In this article, we will take a look at what you need to get started with your journey in Staffly, as well as how to reach out for support when needed.


Introduction to Staffly #

Staffly is a work and team training management tool that helps in-house and remote teams improve collaboration, automation, accountability, and ultimately results. Use our feature-rich software to:
Train your team faster – create, manage, and assign training courses for your team.
Work together, seamlessly – make it easy for everyone to see what projects they’re working on, communicate with their team, and plan what comes next.
Communicate easier – send announcements, posts, texts, emails, and notifications to your entire team or a subset of your team.
Schedule your workforce – create work schedules that are easy to use and understand for your team.


Staffly Hierarchy #

Staffly is based around a hierarchy of information that forms the foundation for your projects.

Groups: Groups are the basic organizational tools that you can use to divide your team into departments, projects, and more.

Task Lists: Task lists allow you and your team to easily group and manage related tasks.

Courses: Courses are used to create training methods to teach members of your team about corporate policies, compliance, inservice, how-to, procedures, and more.

Projects: Projects are used to organize tasks and goals. You can assign team members, or groups of team members, to teach project. Each project has its own individual tasks, messaging, and notifications.

Notifications: Notifications are sent to your team via email, push notification (if logged in), and text message. Notifications are sent for messages, announcements, new posts, events, mass messaging, task assignments, work schedule assignments, and course assignments.

Messages: You can use messages to send private messages to individual team members, groups, or the entire company.

Documents: Documents are used as public and private “lockers” for informative material.

Schedules: Staffly Schedules are used to create and manage work shifts, assign team members to a shift, and manage who works during each one.

Inviting your team #

Let’s explore adding your team to your Staffly Portal so you can start collaborating! Your portal can be viewed and managed via the Portal Panel subsection of the main Dashboard area, and would have been created during the initial setup of your Staffly Portal
The Portal Panel is meant for portal administrators to edit and manage settings that are not available to other users – the employees in the day-to-day running of your projects.
You can manage the users on your Portal by jumping to the Users subsection. In the Users subsection, just click Invite Users to get started. You can also click the arrow to the right of the button to add a single user.
After adding the relevant names and email addresses, you can select “invite” and invites will be sent to them. You can also import a csv file containing a list of your users. This is a quick and easy way to get your owner company populated with the key stakeholders in your team!
You will be able to select a user type to apply to the people you are adding. Depending on the role these users will play in your Staffly Portal, you can choose the most relevant user type:
  • Standard Users –  are the primary user type in Teamwork for those who need access to the full range of available permissions. Each standard user occupies a seat in your Staffly Portal. Most often, this user type will be for the majority of your team members.
  • Course Managers – can be used to create and manage educational courses in your Staffly Portal in addition to the permissions of standard users.
  • Team Leaders – are designed for managing groups, projects, communications, and shift schedules.
  • Portal Managers – are designed for editing all aspects of your portal, including text messaging, news, events, posts, and more.
  • Job Managers – are designed for creating, posting, and managing job listings and candidates.
You can explore user types and permissions further here!
An optional additional step in the invite process will be to add the users to your Portal. You can always skip this and add them in later.
The final step is to send the invites, adding a custom message if you wish.